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Frequently Asked Questions 

NHS Students volunteer at Feed My Starving Children - 2015 

What constitutes community service? 

Service is any volunteer work that you do not get paid for or get school credit for. Service should also be done in the community and something that is not required or that you would do anyway, such as rake your grandfather's leaves. Serving others in the community has a variety of positive effects for young people who perform those acts.

Can I count service hours done as a requirement for NHS, Key Club or other service groups in our school?

YES. This is the best way to do service! You can meet the involvement AND service requirements by belonging to any number of our wonderful service and leadership groups at MCHS.

Where can I do service hours and find opportunities?

There are opportunities all over the community that will help you fulfill the 25 hour minimum requirement. The City of McHenry Parks and Recreation department, Junior Warrior groups, social services groups, NISRA, and many others have many needs for service throughout the year. The best way to find service is to join a service or leadership group in our school!

Where can I log my service hours?

Service hours are now logged through your personal DW Dashboard.  Log into your site and proceed to the Service tab. You will prompted from there.

Why is attendance one of the criteria for Distinguished Warrior?

Research shows that attendance has a direct correlation to academic achievement. Our local data at District 156 reveals the same correlation between days absent to school and the student's GPA.


The following is a sampling of data points from the Class of 2016:


Days absent             Average GPA

0                                      3.08

1 to 5                              3.18

6 to 10                            2.89

11 to 15                          2.26

16 to 20                          1.80

21 to 25                          1.70

How is attendance determined?

Candidates must meet the 95% attendance requirement both Junior (9.5 days) and Senior (9.5 days) years. While some attendance codes do not count against a student's overall school attendance, they WILL count against the DW criteria of 95%. Absences coded as ED (Excused by documentation), SA (student activity), EE (Exam Excused), and AD (Excused by Admin) are the most common codes that do not count against a potential DW. The common codes that DO count towards the 9.5 are EA (Excused Absence), FV (Family Vacation), MH (Mental Health), and TR (Truant). Attend school daily!

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